Thursday, November 12, 2009

Near Death Experiances -( Andy G gets all the good stuff)

Well tomorrow marks the last day of our surjoin in the lovely city of Zacetacas,

Just a quick recap, in my last update Andy G was feeling sick with a tummy bug, however (,thankfully) , he got over that pretty quickly and we were back on the road to Zacatecas , and the only "notable" thing that happened was andy G came close to being killed as he decided to play chicken with a 16 wheeler truck down a steep road - hmm i didn´t partituarly endear myself to my friend when I told him to "harden up" even though he was physically shaking for about 30 mins afterwards (- -- i really am going to make a great dad one day!!!!!) unless your paying me by the 1/4 hour don´t expect alot of sympathy :-). did I mention that i have bought a whip and yell mush mush at andy and WL when i think they are not riding hard enough or when ( heaven forbid) they are not enjoying the uphills ( although to be fair i have only ever met one other person who enjoys uphills as much as me - he knows who he is)

Anyway we did make it all safe and sound to Zacatecas where we have spent two really great weeks at the local spanish school, despite being pretty intense i have enjoyed it - i would even go as far to say that i haven´t unenjoyed learning spanish. We ( AG, WL and me) decided to stay with different host families while in school so we could really be pushed at speaking spanish and get a much needed break from each other ( the above story should explain why!!)

It has been great to get off the bike for a little while , wearing clean clothes on a daily basis and meeting new people - going to an actual fiesta and meeting locals and drinking the very occational beer without worrying about it killing me the next day on the bike. oh and meeting some Brazilian girls all I can say is ay aya aya aya. Hence I am very keen to get back on the bike - brazil is still 5000kms away.!!!!!

anyway on Andy G´s blog he has posted lots of great photos so have a look at

I do love getting the occational reply´s so don´t be shy , I hope eveyone is well where ever you are


p.s if you noted any spelling mistakes i put them deliberately to keep you on your toes, and also the spell check is not working