Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hola with Diarrhoea, (best friend of the budget traveller)

Hi everyone,

Andy G has Diarrhoea - well it had to happen - and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Right from the start of this trip I have been kind of expecting it - not really in a good way - more like in the way that you are expecting death - you know its around you just hope that it won't happen to you :-).

But despite the last day or so, we have been having an unexpectedly good time , we met up with Marco a local to the city of Monterrey and he let us stay at his apartment he took us to dinner we went to the movies and Walmart and generally had a good time and when it came time to leave he rang has parents in the next city and we biked to their house and spent a few more days in the bosom of mexican hospitality - before reluntantly moving on.

For the past few days we have been biking in the Northern desert of Mexico with about 50 types of cactus and not much else - but it has in fact been really beautiful camping in the desert and waking up with mouth -fulls of dirt -- humm

My spanish is coming along and I can now conjugate the verb "to be" but still don't know why I would want to?? but i'm told it will be useful. I can also wirte a accurate description of myself on Mexican dating websites - Soy un (I am a) guapo ( hansome) , calvo (bald) chico ( boy) de Nueva Zealanda ( from NZ).

Hopefully Andy will be over the bum squirts in a few days and we will continue cycling - of course whose turn will it be next ??



p.s I have a video of a Tumbleweed chasing me down the highway in mexico ( yes, fairdinkum, a real, honest to god, tumbleweed like out of a John Wayne movie - when I next get the chance I will upload it)

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