Monday, March 22, 2010

it´s been a while

hi everyone,

yeah it´s been a while ,

when i last wrote i was just about to start two weeks of spanish study in the beautiful lakeside village of San Pedro in Guatemala. hummmm a huge amount has happened since then.including the beaches of El Salvador the deserts of Honduras and the lush tropical jungles of Costa Rica. it is amazing how diverse the land in central america is , the only common factor being that it is always very hot.

3 weeks ago we made it to San Jose the capital of Costa Rica to visit a friend of Andy and Wei ling´s who runs a Macaw Sanctuary , these amazing birds are huge and noisy and very endangered and we spent 5 days helping to feed , clean, de-worm and de-tick them , amazingly these birds are worth about 25,000USD a piece and i did consider smuggling one home - however it turns out speedo do not make Macaw Sized budgie smugglers - which i guess it not surprising since they are mostly made for Australian men !!

after Costa rica we headed to panama city checked out the canal ( of course) and then went to the San blas islands on the Caribbean coast of Panama , from there we caught the Stahlratte ( steel rat) a german run yacht to Colombia , of course 2 lines does not quite sum up the experience of spending 4 days sailing around beautiful tropical islands while drinking imported beer and swimming at every opportunity . the Captain of the ship was Lugwig - a fat 45 year old german lifelong sailor - know as Lulu to everyone he made this trip one of the highlights of our trip. however even more amzing was that last night at a pizza bar in cartagena i bumped into Lulu again and his 23 year old -supermodel like- colombian girlfriend . i{m thinking of coming back to cartagena when i finish this cycle trip .

anyway . that´s it all in a nutshell, please check out andy´s blog as he has actually been recording things along the way and has lots of photos,. and even though it would seem i have forgotten about all my family and friends because of my complete lack of communication- i can tell you that that is untrue - it´s just that being on holiday is hard work and very time consuming

next week we will be in Venezuela-


"Don't expect people to listen to your advice and ignore your example."

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