Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bike of the conchords : New Zealands third favourate cycle touring Trio

Hi everyone ,

When i was about 20 years old my grandfather ( at the age of 92) imparted to me the only advice he ever gave me , he said

"Andy you can either work when you're young or when you are old , but at some time in your life you will have to work"

- i had alot of love and repsect for Jock ( my grandfather) and I have taken his advise to heart - therefore I've decided to work when i'm old !!!! and tomorrow i am starting my cycle tour From New York City to Rio de J aneiro.

Without labouring the details, about 7 years ago I came up with the idea and enlisted the support of one of my good school friend's , Gibbo . However it has taken the best part of the last 6 years for us to organise ourselves - and just when it seems we had it all sorted Gibbo had to go and jepordise the whole thing by meeting the love of his life and get married ( Wei Ling - did I mention she is a mail order chinese bride !!, ) . So NZ's third faviourate cycle duo became a trio.

So anyway here we are in the big apple , we have our bikes and a few maps , and we are due to head off tomorrow morning - to face ( how the french would say) I don't know what. I will do my best to do at least one exciting thing per week to spice up my weekly blog - and as and when I get pictures I will post them.


p.s) Wei Ling has just been reading over my shoulder and corrected me, she is in fact Malaysian-Chinese


  1. Good luck Andy! make sure you get to the Carnegie Deli in NY before leaving - the biggest pastrami sandwich in the world will give you loads of energy for the first leg!

  2. Far-out brussel sprout- Andy is getting all techo with his own blog and everything! I am impressed. I'll be more impressed if you do actually up-date the bastard each week.

    Hey are Bebo and Lucey Lu going to have their own blog too? Theirs will probably be more interesting hearing about the trials and tribulations of putting up with the 3rd wheel! (You, Andy).

  3. Hi Andy, thanks for your email which I have posted on our Kokoda Trekking website....so you had better keep posting something every week as I have given you heaps of publicity!!!

    Jokes aside, on behalf of myself and Kokoda Trekking, we wish you and your fellow cyclists, all the best. Seeing as you have done some planning how about letting us all know how long you think it will take to reach your destination.


    goodluck with your new adventure

    warm regards

    Gail & the gang at Kokoda Trekking

  4. Common Andy- it's not all about you you know, there are greater forces at play here. With the new baby I'm not getting out much so I'm planning on living the next few months vicariously through you.

    Time for an up-date and some photos!

  5. Hi Andie,
    your blog is GREAT! love the photos and the armish stories....hey was it mail order order bride for Gibbo? or orders from the tao centre and friends...hehe.

    you all look fit and healthy and happy! Ismael and I are cheering you on from here in Argentina! ride ride ride on! I'll forward your website to all of my christian friends and hopefully you'll be married before you arrive to Colombia.

    see you,
